Resident Update: Sawmill Ranch Drainage Improvement Project

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In the interest of keeping residents as informed as possible on the engineering projects within the District, Encanto Real UD would like to share that the Sawmill Ranch Drainage Improvement Project with the Harris County Engineering office has officially begun.

As many residents know, for development to occur in an orderly and economic manner proper planning is essential. The District’s engineering consultant, Dannenbaum Eng. Corp, in collaboration with the Harris County Engineering office, have been working together to execute a project to enhance the efficiency of the drainage operation and add pump capacity. This includes adding a new pump near the current pump location to benefit from the existing outfall structure on the basin and re-routing the discharge line along the northern boundary of the drainage infrastructure.

Over the course of the next few weeks, residents may see surveyors, geotechnical borings, environmental, and SUE (Subsurface Utility Engineering) personnel out in the field.

The contract for the Final Study and Design Phase was approved at the end of June 2020 and the field work began approximately one month later. Currently a survey and geotechnical and environmental activities are being performed in the field. Representatives from subconsultants are collecting the data needed to confirm the recommended improvements for the project. Early next year, the Study Phase should be finalized, followed by the initiation of the Design Phase.

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